Nature journaling in bad weather - top tip

Winter journaling for me usually means an ongoing battle with rain and wind. So I often have to resort to other methods to keep up my journal. This year is no exception, it’s been raining almost every day, and pretty breezy too.

As I work in a very ‘traditional’ style of nature journal keeping, for ‘finished’ pages, that’s a problem. I used to feel ‘guilty’ about not completing everything outdoors, but my home journaling patches, a marsh and woodland, have no shelter or cover. I’ve tried different methods to stop my sketchbook getting damp, but I haven’t found anything that works for me - yet!

Do you have weather problems, too? Too cold? Too wet? Maybe too hot?

Here’s my top tip!

If you can’t sketch or write outside easily, for any reason; spend whatever time you do have out of doors, observing!

What’s that, you say? We know that already! Of course you do, but the thing I’ve found over my years of journaling, is that when it’s pouring down, blowing a gale, or freezing cold, observation can be the last thing on your mind, when a comfy chair and warm drink are calling!

So now, when something attracts me on my daily nature walk, whatever the weather, I stop and look deeply at it. I jot down/lightly scribble in pencil as much as I can. That might be as little as a few words and a couple of lines! I sometimes make notes on my phone too. These marks may get covered later, but it really helps me to feel more connected to my subject if I can do something on the spot. I find it helps me so much when I am working up the final page.

As well as observing, I try to think about my other senses:

How does it feel?

What’s the texture like?

Can I hear sounds around me?

Is there a scent on the air?

Sometimes I snap reference photos, but I still try to spend a little time observing the subject first, so I can engage directly.

I’ve found that even a few seconds of deep concentration and attention are beneficial, and having a short time frame can help me focus too! Why not give it a try? Let me know if you do!