Want to improve your nature drawings? Draw something different!

I had an interesting chat with another long time nature journaler last week, who felt that their work wasn’t progressing and it was affecting their confidence.

Most of us go through these stages, where things don’t go as planned, and we just can’t seem to make what’s in our head appear on the paper.

It’s frustrating, easy to feel despondent, and to even give up for a while. Stopping though, can sometimes make it hard to get motivated to pick up your (pencil, pen, brush, sharpened twig Select your preference), again!

So how to avoid the drawing doldrums?

My tip.

Draw something completely different!

No expectations necessary!

As you can see from these examples, I have often felt this way, and still do! Trying to draw new subject matter is fun and has helped me on my nature journal journey.

It’s a good idea to challenge yourself from time to time, but especially when you feel you’re in a creative rut. For example, you can:

  • Take a class

  • Join in with an art challenge

  • Use new and unfamiliar media

  • Draw on coloured or toned paper

  • Draw in colour

  • Draw something you’ve never done before

Or mix it up! If you avoid drawing people, or buildings; food or household objects, whatever the subject, give it a try! Just for fun, no pressure! You’ll probably surprise yourself. Chances are you’ll learn new skills, find fresh ideas, and feel inspired when you pick up your nature journal again. If you’re feeling you just can’t do it, shake your shoulders, relax, and play a little; or get an art friend involved - support and accountability can often give you the push you need.

As an example, why not join in #DrawingAugust this month? There are no rules, use any medium, draw every day, or just do whatever you can manage. One or two drawings may be enough, or you might find you are enjoying your new skill set and be doodling bicycles, teacups, shoes, windows…. everywhere!

Just don’t worry, creative minds need to be stimulated and we all need a change and a lift sometimes.

Enjoy your sketching!