International Nature Journaling Week 2020

Nature journaling is a unique way to engage with the natural world. My journal is my personal response to nature.

We illustrated nature journalers are a pretty niche group, but we make up for that in having an amazing community of generous and like minded people across the globe. This week is very exciting for me as June 1-7 2020 is the first ever International Nature Journaling Week, founded by the wonderful Bethan Burton of Journaling with Nature, in Brisbane, Australia.

I’ve been so happy and excited to help Bethan prepare for this event in what’s turned out to be a massive undertaking for her. It’s literally snownalled! There has been so much interest, and people across the world have been so generous with their time and skills in providing workshops, videos, help and advice.

You can find out all about this brilliant event at International Nature Journaling Week There are tons of free resources, workshops, videos, help and ideas for new journal keepers, and loads of inspiration from and for nature journalers all over the globe in this amazing coming together, to celebrate and record the natural world!

Each day during International Nature Journaling Week is focused on a different aspect of nature, which is the starting place for journal pages for that day. The list is:








Across social media journalers are using the hashtag #naturejournaling week to identify their posts so we can find each other.

So why not join in? If you love the natural world then nature journaling is a brilliant way to learn to draw and develop your creative skills. Once you get the confidence to take the first steps, it’s just practice, patience and perseverance. The more you draw the more you learn, and the more your drawing and your knowledge improves! It’s a win win situation! I do a lot of virtual ‘hand holding’ to help beginners. It’s always fantastic to see how pleased people are with the progress they make.

Another great thing is, there aren't any rules! Some people may prefer to adopt a more scientific approach, others might use prose and poetry, or simply draw and record the names of the plants and animals the encounter. They might mix it up and use a mixture of different styles. It’s up to each person to create their journal, however they want to!

The important thing is - making that deeper connection with nature.

If you’ve always wanted to begin a nature journal this is a wonderful opportunity to help you start!

Please join us on #naturejournalingweek!