Can't focus on a subject for your nature journal? Start Small....

So, you have your kit set up, and you are ready to go out and journal.

You have a spot picked out, and you’re out in nature, noticing - everything! Suddenly the enormity of the natural world hits you. There is just so much to document! Flowering plants, insects buzzing, birds flying overhead, swaying trees, fluffy clouds and ……

You don’t know where to start, or how you will ever manage to get everything in! It’s overwhelming. You may just as well not try…


This is a totally normal reaction. Once you begin to connect more deeply with nature, you find that everything holds wonder, interest; and begs more questions.

Start Small, and with something close to you. Stop worrying about recording the whole natural world. Take a few moments and slowly, do a 360 degree turn, looking forward just a couple of feet from you. Which one thing leaps out and attracts you? A pretty bloom? A beetle? Some fungi? A patch of grasses? A twisted tree branch?

Start there.




What drew you to this subject?

What is it telling you?

How does it fit into the wider world around you?

Make a sketch. Note down your thoughts.

There is a world to journal, and you’ll get there, but take it a step at a time.

It’s an amazing journey, so enjoy every minute…..