Connecting with Nature - wherever you are!

Connecting with Nature -  wherever you are!

One of my intentions with Drawn to Nature is to get more people drawing and keeping a sketchbook record of their journey. Why? Well, if you’re reading this you will already know that I’m fairly passionate about art and nature, and I love to share with like minded people!

There are other reasons too, one of which is that close observation creates a whole new level about how you see the world. Everyday things and occurrences become interesting, exciting and often quite beautiful, when you look at them from a different perspective.

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Sowing Hope for Nature

Sowing Hope for Nature

When I’m outside in my garden, or walking around my nature journaling patch it always makes me feel better. Yes, even in the pouring rain!  Scientific studies have proved that engaging with nature can also make us kinder and more generous, and that in turn makes us feel happier and more grateful.  This is wonderful, but, it shouldn't be a one way street.

Drawn Into Nature is about happiness and creativity,  the first word of my strapline  though, is ‘Care’. Our world faces so many threats and uncertainties for the future; nature needs all the help she can get.

This year, April 22nd has been designated  Earth Day. To mark this , I’m setting myself an ongoing challenge to Sow Hope for Nature; and I invite you to join me.....

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Little Wild Patch in April: Bumblebee Rescue

Little Wild Patch in April: Bumblebee Rescue

Spring is here in the UK; well, sort of. There was a sunny, warmish start, but that's been quickly followed by cold and wet, wet, wet (and not the 80's band). Normally I'd be hoeing and planting seeds for the summer, but it's going to be a late one this year.

It's not all bad news.  Blossom time is set to go full scale shortly, and I've seen several hardy birds with beaks full of nesting material. A pair of jackdaws are building in the roof of a house opposite (probably not great news for the owners)  but it's brilliant for us to watch them popping in and out!

There are so many things that make me feel excited in the springtime.  Especially early flying bumblebees. I've talked about how important it is to have flowering plants ready to feed these brave little creatures, but, they may also need another kind of help.......

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House Sparrows: Nothing is Ordinary!

House Sparrows: Nothing is Ordinary!

House sparrows are in decline in the UK. Never did I think that I'd see the day these funny, friendly little birds, in their vast numbers would become endangered. It was unthinkable. We don't know why they're in decline, but, like many other species they now need our help to survive.

As I watched our flock of sparrows this week, I was reminded that until the end of last year we had never had one in our wildlife garden.  We changed the seed mix we use, and, wham! 

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Squirrel Antics

Squirrel Antics

I suspect a lot of you are watchers, and probably feeders, of the visitors to your garden. One of the favourite guests to our feeding stations are grey squirrels. Yes, they can do a lot of damage; we continually need to replace our peanut dispensers, and rescue tulip bulbs,  but what fun they are to watch! If I'm feeling a bit low on a gloomy day, these characters never fail to cheer me up with their wonderful games and acrobatics.

Who needs a sports channel for entertainment? ' The Squirrel Games' are much more exciting - and there are no adverts!

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